i dont disown my surname... it means a lot to me... i get a lot of respect and am honoured in my hometown because of the surname and i have my whole identity attached to it...
But here in US...its a different story... and the story starts with my name in the records...they missed an "N" in my name and in the client records it reads AJAY PATHINETTAM KADAM..
for them its just an alphabet less... but they dont realize that with the missing of an N they have made me a debtor...mallus who see my name would wonder PATHINETTAM "KADAM"??? they would have heard of Pathinettam Adavu...which of course means last resort..but Kadam?? that would be news to them...they might think..need to watch out for this guy or next thing he will do after shaking hands is..ask for money...cant blame them...my name says it all..and for the ease of processing, they combined the two words and made it pathinettamkadam...which made it even worse to read..even i had difficulty in identifying it...
at times am known as Mr Pathinettam, sometimes Mr Kandam and sometimes K, Ajay Pathinettam..by the time i return back to India, i would have juggled with my name in all the ways possible...and the trouble doesnt end here...
I had a problem with my client laptop and i had to call the support person..and of course they wanted to know my name....in full.. i said..
AJAY...Aae Jay Aae Yee.... Pathinettam Pee Aae tee...
voice from other side interrupted this lullaby...sir can u please spell it like "a" as in "apple"...i said to myself...oh God..I have to do this too...

I had to take my memory back to the kindergarten to remember what all objects we relate the alphabets with..but i dont have a memory so sharp..so had to create new ones...and i somehow managed...
A as in apple
J as in jackal
A as in "another" apple
Y as in youtube
P for pet
A as in apple
T as in tie
H as in hat
I as in India
N as in net
E as in eye -(e as in i ???)...eh..make it elephant..E as in elephant
T as in tie
T as in tie - that will be 2 T as in ties
A as in apple
M as in monkey - (i almost felt like one)
K as in kite
A as in apple
N as in net
D as in..eh.eh..yeah..DOG(should hav stressed more on it,to get rid of my irritation)
A as in apple
M as in monkey
that was a hard task for me..having to spell my name with apples, monkeys and dogs..
leave alone my full name...here people dont know to pronounce even Ajay..they call me Aey Jay...when i hear it..its like A J... next time when someone calls me the same..i should probably reply A Y...and say...yes ma'm thats how u spell my name...A J A Y