About Me

- nostringsattached
- a day dreamer..like to laugh through troubles and spread smiles around...interested in photography..
Sunday, August 26, 2007
a bottle of beer for Maveli
so i booked for "Hey babyy"..though i knew the story...movie was decent enough with excellent comic timings from Akshay n Hritesh...but to my disappointment, the crowd was not as good as i expected. so returned early to home..next thought i had was how to spend the night alone..i didn have to fry my brain too much...i thought..a movie in tv and a bottle of beer...wat a perfect combo...so i started off from home with the new bag company had provided as a part of our IBU celebration...i somehow managed to get a bottle of KF...a chilled one...on the way back i was thinking abt the wonderful way i ll be spending the night...by the time i reached home with beer..it was 10:45PM...i closed the door..put on my shorts n tshirt..and opened the bag....SPLASH...there goes my entertainment for the night...the bottle broke..spilling beer all over the floor..i somehow managed to clean the place in seconds...but i couldnt contain the desire to have a beer...i didnt have the patience or time to change my dress...as the shop closes at 11. I took 60rs from my purse, took my bike keys, locked door and was off in a hurry to the "SHOP" or "SHAAP" as mallus call it..but to my disappointment, the shops were closed..i tried the far off ones too..speeding in my bike... but without success..finally decided to return home empty handed...as soon as i crossed the apartment gate, some instinct started telling me....ajay...something is wrong..u have forgotten something...i always gets the instinct or what u call the inner voice when something goes wrong...and it always comes true also...this time it was the key...i had forgotten to take the flat keys from my purse...
It was close to midnight...me standing in my shorts n t shirts and 60rs to live for the next 3days..there was no place to sleep either...the only way to break in was by breaking the lock...but finding the right man for the job, at that hour was a difficult task...but thankfully managed to find a very opportunist guy, who charged me 150rs for breaking the lock and another 150 for fixing the same... my fate... i had to agree as i was homeless without breaking it...
huh... finally broke in to my own house... later in bed..i was taking account...
A bottle beer...60rs
Breaking lock...150rs
Fixing lock...150rs
The look on my face after the incident...PRICELESS...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
blogging...i love this....
Saturday, July 28, 2007
3 of us on a mission
suddenly my mobile rang...it was our friend living in the same place where we were heading to...as soon as we attended the call..we shouted.."we need a coat"...didn't give her enough time to even say any excuse...finally she agreed...she borrowed it from her friends uncle...under one and only one condition..it has to be returned in one piece at the earliest...we were planing to return to college as soon as the program gets over...meaning we need to somehow return it at midnight..
we reached the place in an hour and half and there was our friend waiting with the coat..sporting a not so happy smile..."will return in tonight itself na...uncle need it moro for a meeting"..we assured her...promised to return to her by the time she leave the place...
but as usual...the fest started late...we waited for our turn...10:00..10:30..11:00..with each passing moment,we noted that the number of facial muscles she using is fast changing from 17 to 43..from smile to frown...
finally the threshold reached..she said..."am leaving..return the coat tonight itself for your own good"...
And around 11:30 our dance started. He was pretty cool..danced well and was looking kinda MJ in that coat..and by 11:40 everything was over. Our next prob was about returning the coat. anyway we didn have any choice. So we took a bus to her house. As we were not sure of her address, we got down at the nearest bus stop and took an auto...and it was close to 11:55...we were going through the colony in auto,stopping in front of each house and reading the name board. the driver would have got scared, thinking we are some burglars...we were moving at a very slow pace..i had been to her home once so the other 2 friends were depending on me...finally i managed to track her house. Next question was how can we pass the coat to her?gate was locked..her parents might be fast asleep..its not right to knock at a gals house at this time of the night...finally decided to ring her up and ask..sheesh...call was not going...stupid network..but somehow we had to convey that we are waiting outside and wat can be done next?..auto driver intervened..sir...any problem..wat are u up to?..we didn reply...
Finally decided to ring her home no..no option we had...she took the phone in 1st ring.."i expected this...my mob has some prob..so i thought u dumbo's will call to land line..so was waiting"...she came to the balcony in 1st floor..she couldn't talk loudly as her parents were sleeping in the next room..so we had to behave like prehistoric men..communicating in signals..i signaled her.."shall i jump the fence and keep the coat next to the door?? "...atleast that was what i meant to convey...she waved her hand..and in fraction of a second i jumped the fence,placed the bag, jumped back and smiled at her feeling proud of my quick action..she just stared with open mouth..she was speechless for sometime..then as if waking up from sleep..she suddenly started waving her hand...i understood the signal..."Dumbo..take the bag out..papa will kill me if he get to know"...and again i had to put my acrobatic skill to action..in few seconds i was back with bag on hand...
the auto driver stood there puzzled...we 3 guys were standing in front of this gals house and she was in balcony communicating to us through signals..."runaway??" this doubt would have raised in his mind for sure
finally we agreed up on one solution..her cousins friend will come and get it from us at bus stand..we were relieved...no more jumping fences or chances of getting caught for burglary...
we got into the auto..."bus stand"..i said....driver smiled and said..."sir...if you wanted to present that gift, you could have brought a rope, tied this to its end and could have easily lift this up to her...if you had told me ..i would have helped you out...i know how important this hour is for you lovers..."...."wat???? lovers?? gift???" we 3 sat in the auto puzzled...suddenly my friend started laughing...and showed us his watch....time was past 12...and date read 14th Feb...sheesh...Valentine's Day...and all of us started laughing...in between our laughter, we somehow managed to convey to the driver what we were intending to do...but he was not to believe it...finally we reached bus stand...and handed over the coat and took our return bus to college...laughing all the way.....
friendship...a gift worth receiving life long
- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) British lexicographer.
This is a phrase that has touched me very much..i have heard this long back...at that time i had my friends with me and i thought...what a stupidity..as long as i have my friends here...y i need to create new ones???and i never found the need to create new friends..i was content with my existing friends...cos they were the best..and still are the best...
But as time changed,everything changed...not that the intensity of friendship reduced...but all have moved out in their own way..chasing their dreams..new careers,new places,new friends....suddenly i feel left alone...i cant blame my friends,cos they are busy in their careers...am thankful to them that they never miss an opportunity to keep in touch...but is that enough?? as said that man is a social animal, he always need companionship..and there is no limit to the number of friends a man can have..
now i feel a vacuum around me...feels all left alone....may be cos am in the same place and everyone moved out..so i am spending my time reviving old friendships...as i am really finding it difficult to create new ones...i need to repair my friendship and also build new ones...never be content with what you have...always find ways to rejuvenate existing friendships..and at the same time not miss any opportunity to create new ones...
friends are those special breed of people who can turn the tables your way even in your worst nightmares...so never miss an opportunity to create friends,build friendship and maintain them..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
the 5 WHY? priciple
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friendship...which is de best...
This is a relation which commands lot of respect. I don’t mean the blood relation b/w bro n sis, but the relation that exist b/w 2 friends...of course of opp sex. Like the gal will b having this guy to count up on at time of need and vice versa. They may not be sharing each n everything among them (u don’t expect to share everything with
Best buddy
This is one rocking relation…in which the duo are out for all sorts of mischief’s together…they share everything in their life...but its hard to find…let it be boy/boy, gal/gal or boy/gal….its very rare that we get best buddies to whom we can confess anything and everything, however minor or major the problems are…and if the person at the other end is able to give a solution to the problems or if they can console them…then u cant ask for anything more…if one can find this rare breed of friendship, its sure to extend life long..if we sit back and think, we ll realize that we really do not have such a person, whom u can call "ma best buddy" in the real sense...fortunate are those who can....
Just Friends
This kinda relation is enjoyed best when in groups…one ll be having lotta friends with whom u can jive, party, go for outings and also play some pranks. The comfort level we have with the friend individually and that we have with the same person in the group differs...these are best enjoyed during college days...or even in work place where the occasional coffee breaks can turn out to be the best part of your work life..the positive thing about this kinda friendship is that there wont be a single moment where u ll feel gloomy or inactive...this will always be full of life...
he he..dont search for any messages from this blog..its take away is nothing...just wrote down wat i felt...