About Me

- nostringsattached
- a day dreamer..like to laugh through troubles and spread smiles around...interested in photography..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
the 5 WHY? priciple
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friendship...which is de best...
This is a relation which commands lot of respect. I don’t mean the blood relation b/w bro n sis, but the relation that exist b/w 2 friends...of course of opp sex. Like the gal will b having this guy to count up on at time of need and vice versa. They may not be sharing each n everything among them (u don’t expect to share everything with
Best buddy
This is one rocking relation…in which the duo are out for all sorts of mischief’s together…they share everything in their life...but its hard to find…let it be boy/boy, gal/gal or boy/gal….its very rare that we get best buddies to whom we can confess anything and everything, however minor or major the problems are…and if the person at the other end is able to give a solution to the problems or if they can console them…then u cant ask for anything more…if one can find this rare breed of friendship, its sure to extend life long..if we sit back and think, we ll realize that we really do not have such a person, whom u can call "ma best buddy" in the real sense...fortunate are those who can....
Just Friends
This kinda relation is enjoyed best when in groups…one ll be having lotta friends with whom u can jive, party, go for outings and also play some pranks. The comfort level we have with the friend individually and that we have with the same person in the group differs...these are best enjoyed during college days...or even in work place where the occasional coffee breaks can turn out to be the best part of your work life..the positive thing about this kinda friendship is that there wont be a single moment where u ll feel gloomy or inactive...this will always be full of life...
he he..dont search for any messages from this blog..its take away is nothing...just wrote down wat i felt...